New album out on Bandcamp! Compositions with pure tones

A series of very abstract compositions, for which the source material was generated through additive synthesis with pure sine tones. The pitch, envelope and volume of 100 oscillators was controlled via algorithms to create a wide variety of sounds and sonic evolutions. A selection of those sounds was then further processed and combined in several layers in a more intuitive way.

Best listened to on good quality speakers or headphones on moderate volume. Contains a lot very high and low frequencies which will not reproduce correctly on cheap speakers like the ones builtin in laptops or smartphones.

FeBeME Electroacoustic music evening

On wednesday October 4th i will be presenting two electroacoustic pieces on the FeBeME Electroacoustic music evening at Centre Culturel Jacques Franck in Brussels.

Full program:

Collectif Seneçon * : World premiere, stereo, 15-20’

Collectif Seneçon * : Path, stereo, 15’

Kristof Lauwers : 145+, stereo, 5’20

Kristof Lauwers : Redshift, stereo, 7’50


Room Nocte ** : World premiere, Live Electronics, 20’
Sylvie Bouteiller : Piquée d’un Faune, 1440 secondes pour 4 mains et acide nitrique (World premiere), Live Electronics, 24’

More information on the FeBeME site