On the autumn waves festival on 30 November 2024 i present two new electroacoustiv pieces: ‘Shards’ and ‘Rabot Pulsations’.
Full program here.
On the autumn waves festival on 30 November 2024 i present two new electroacoustiv pieces: ‘Shards’ and ‘Rabot Pulsations’.
Full program here.
A series of very abstract compositions, for which the source material was generated through additive synthesis with pure sine tones. The pitch, envelope and volume of 100 oscillators was controlled via algorithms to create a wide variety of sounds and sonic evolutions. A selection of those sounds was then further processed and combined in several layers in a more intuitive way.
Best listened to on good quality speakers or headphones on moderate volume. Contains a lot very high and low frequencies which will not reproduce correctly on cheap speakers like the ones builtin in laptops or smartphones.
Françoise Vanhecke performing Myoelastic, the piece i wrote for her of for ISFV soprano and electronics.
In the piece ‘Myoelastic’, written for an dedicated to Françoise Vanhecke, i tried to explore all possibilities of her ISFV singing technique, along with all kind of other sounds the voice can produce.
The piece starts out with natural breath sounds, which gradually become voiced and finally evolve a ISFV ‘muliphonic’ sound. In the next passage, rhythmic tongue clicking is alternated with different kinds of inhaling techniques, varying from pure sounds to multiphonics and heavily distorted sounds, also making gradual transitions in between them.
Next comes a passage with continuous fast arpeggio’s, alternating between normal and inhaling singing as a vocal alternative to circular breathing.
The piece ends with bocca chiusa inhaling chromatic descending lines, fading out into silence
On monday october 17th i’m presenting a new piece on BOEM (Belgian Encounter of Electroacoustic Music). Full program: https://boem.mailchimpsites.com/
On Friday October 7th i’m presentinga new piecec on Autumn Waves, a weekend of electro-acoustic concerts at Project(ion) Room in Brussel, organized by FeBeME-BeFEM (the Belgian Federation of Electroacoustic Music)
Full program: http://febeme-befem.be/fr/concerts/7-9-octobre-2022-autumn-waves-festival-6-concerts-projection-room/
Ukiyo-e, a family perfomrance for aldren and children from 5 years on.
Regie & performance Maja Jantar / animation Silvia Defrance / compositon & elektronics Kristof Lauwers / composition, snare installatie & performance Laura Maes / decor & costume Birgitte Mørk Winther / robot building Godfried-Willem Raes / producent Festival van Vlaanderen Mechelen
26/08/2021 Krokusfestival, Hasselt
21/11/2021 Concertgebouw, Brugge
04 en 05/02/2022 Espace Senghor, Brussel
01/03/2022 Handelsbeurs, Gent
A piece for <Pos>, the newest organ in the Logos Robot orchestra, built by Godfried-Willem Raes.
More info on the robot orchestra: https://logosfoundation.org/instrum_gwr/manual.html
A new piece for the Logos Robot orchestra.
The following sounds where made with an oscillator bank with 100 sine oscillators, of which pitch and volume where controlled algorithmically programmed in Pure Data.
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