Here you find scores and performance materials of/for some of my pieces. They are free to download, and the music is free of copyright (but not of authors rights!).
Please let me know if you’re interested in playing one of the pieces..
Two sketches
For flute, piano and gamba.
Sketch 1 (pdf)
Sketch 2 (pdf)
For bajan.
score (pdf)
For guitar (classical or electrical) and electronics.
score in English (pdf) and Pure Data patches
For 2 classical guitars.
score in Dutch (pdf).
There is no English translation yet, but i’m happy to make one if someone’s interested. Just drop me a line.
For harpsichord and electronics.
score in English
audiomulch patch
Processing #1
For flute, classical guitar and accordion
score in Dutch (pdf)
notes in English (pdf)
For 9 guitars
9 classical guitars
score in English (pdf)
Processing #3
For female voice, flute, theremin and three ringmodulators.
This post is also available in: Dutch