A piece for an environment

‘A piece for an environment’, is a performance that incorporates the environmental sounds of the place where it is performed. Six microphones are spread over the place and pick up the sounds of traffic, passers-by, nature or industrial activities. Those sounds are electronically processed (in Pure Data), and the processed sounds are distributed over six speakers placed around the audience. The musicians move around in the space while playing, and also their sounds are processed in different ways, dependent on the place where they are playing.

A recording of the premiere at DOK, Ghent, Belgium, July 3rd 2018 with Kristof Lauwers, Hans Roels, Stefaan Smagghe and Thomas Van den Eynde:

Some pictures by Rafaël De Bruyne:
A piece for an environment - pictures by Rafael de Bruyne


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FeBeME Electroacoustic music evening

On wednesday October 4th i will be presenting two electroacoustic pieces on the FeBeME Electroacoustic music evening at Centre Culturel Jacques Franck in Brussels.

Full program:

Collectif Seneçon * : World premiere, stereo, 15-20’

Collectif Seneçon * : Path, stereo, 15’

Kristof Lauwers : 145+, stereo, 5’20

Kristof Lauwers : Redshift, stereo, 7’50


Room Nocte ** : World premiere, Live Electronics, 20’
Sylvie Bouteiller : Piquée d’un Faune, 1440 secondes pour 4 mains et acide nitrique (World premiere), Live Electronics, 24’

More information on the FeBeME site