Onderdeel van Anderhalvemetersessies (weekend 2)
Music with conches, a robot orchestra and two spinning dancers: STUK presents a family spectacle with three small performances for children and adults alike. The quartet Spiral Consort brings playful compositions with real natural shells, inspired by jazz, brassband, classical and baroque music. Dance company tout petit takes you on a virtuoso game of turning patterns, propelled by a pulsating soundscape. The one and only Logos Robotorkest rounds off the afternoon with short compositions for automatic musical instruments.
Het volledige programma duurt ongeveer 45 minuten.
The full programme takes about 45 minutes.
Logos Robotorkest – Kristof Lauwers, Study #8, for <Psch> (3’30”)
Tout Petit – DRAAI (15’)
Logos Robotorkest – Godfried-Willem Raes, Block Temple (3′)
Spiral Consort (15’)
Logos Robotorkest – Kristof Lauwers, Study #18 voor klein robot kwartet (6′)
Year: 2020
50 years of Logos
The LP/book ’50 years of Logos’ was published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Stichting Logos. The book contains contributions by authors who reflect on their experiences with Logos. The LP contains recordings of various artists who are or have been active within Logos.

Authors: Jean Paul Van Bendegem, Warren Burt, Moniek Darge, Laura Maes, Dirk Moelants, Douglas Quin, Jacques Rémus
Composers on the LP: Attr-X, Kris De Baerdemacker, Moniek Darge, Kristof Lauwers, Logos Duo, Logos Ensemble, Logos Women, Laura Maes, Godfried-Willem Raes, Xavier Verhelst
More information and ordering details: https://logosfoundation.org/50jaarlogos/index-Eng.html
50 years of Logos
The LP/book ’50 years of Logos’ was published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Stichting Logos. The book contains contributions by authors who reflect on their experiences with Logos. The LP contains recordings of various artists who are or have been active within Logos.
Authors: Jean Paul Van Bendegem, Warren Burt, Moniek Darge, Laura Maes, Dirk Moelants, Douglas Quin, Jacques Rémus
Composers on the LP: Attr-X, Kris De Baerdemacker, Moniek Darge, Kristof Lauwers, Logos Duo, Logos Ensemble, Logos Women, Laura Maes, Godfried-Willem Raes, Xavier Verhelst
More information and ordering details: https://logosfoundation.org/50jaarlogos/index-Eng.html