Flemish Tape Music since 1950

Flemish tape music since 1950

An article about my piece ‘145+’ appeared in the MATRIX publication ‘Flemish Tape Music since 1950’.

This publication encompassess an elaborate historical essay,  short articles about compositions by P. Adriaenssens, P. Beyls, J. De Laet, L. De Meester, L. Goethals, K. Goeyvaerts, K. Lauwers, S. Verstockt en D. Veulemans, and a CD with those compositions.

A digital version is available here.

Click on the play button below to hear the piece.

145+ by Kristof Lauwers

International Email Audio Art Project, Volume 1 (a HalTapes label release)

My piece ‘Mult-R’ got included in the International Email Audio Art Project.

The Homemade Music Movement has grown from the roots of the Mail Art Movement, and in order to pay due respect and acknowledge these origins, Hal McGee proposed an international EMAIL audio art project in which contributors send miniature audio work in mp3 format (plus visual works if desired).
This is the first Volume, containig contributions by 60 artist.

You can listen to and download the project onarchive.org http://www.archive.org/details/IEAAPVolume1

Premiere: new piece for clarinet

5° ensemble - Gabi Sultana and Daniel Pastene

On november 23rd, at 8pm,  Daniel Pastene is playing the premiere of my new and yet untitled piece for clarinet and electronics at the Logos Foundation

The full programme:

  • Ik en de Ander (piano and clarinet) 2008 – Daniel Pastene
  • New piece (clarinet and electronics) 2010 – Kristof Lauwers
  • New piece (piano and clarinet) 2010 – Daniel Pastene
  • In a train to nowhere (piano, clarinet and electronics) 2010 – Juan Parra Cancino
  • Blank Space (piano, clarinet and soundscape) 2008- Juan Sebastian Lach Lau

The piano is played by Gabi Sultana .

Out now: LPD019: Lonely robots

Click image for more info and ordering

On this seventh CD by the Logos M&M ensemble, a collection of newly built machines are presented individually. Where other CD releases give ample examples of what can be done when the robots come together to form an orchestra, this CD demonstrates the capacities of the new robots playing solo or as duos.

The Cd inlcudes pieces by Sebastian Bradt, Moniek Darge, Godfried-Willem Raes, Troy Rogers and Kristof Lauwers.


Picture by Peter Van Lancker

.time.tIme out.drop 6Fu1110100.     0 to 1
- bre61th - drop d6561d.realIty     are all in processing
Is virtualI1110100y.age__origIn     shadow is in reality
_____orIgin of l49ght. -> tIme.     communication and
reality Is light -digIta1101100                      information
connect – analog.identIt1111001         the virtual sounds/games
is real < is virtual 5C Ident.p     switching the reality
1100001ss.next.I&74I1101101452E     keeping the secret is a message?

Nan-ping Chang: action performance, voice, gu-zhen, drums, video
Kristof Lauwers: sound design, fujara
yvan vander sanden: computer sound & graphics

A coproduction by the Logos Foundation en Croxhapox

-> Photo series of our first performance at june 4th 2010 at  Croxhapox by Marc Coene

-> Video compilation by Svend Thompson: